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Presentación de fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

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Blog de fan 2 Yaoi

Anonymous :
Which do you find more attractive, confidence or modesty?


confidence, but why not both?

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


landofravenclawandkiba :
Kiba's my favorite omfgggg


you have good taste

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
Who is your favorite yaoi boy from any anime :D?


that’s tough! Bolin, Mako, Kiba or Naruto? I can’t decide

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
why a man wants to slap or touch my butt? Also, he wants his dick very close to my ass while wearing a pants and i'm wearing something too (he's like pasting his front to my back) loool!!! Yeahhh WHYY?! :))) He's straight! And i know and i feel it though... i'm just pretending that i don't feel what he's doing at my back. Hahaha!! Lastly, I sometimes catch him looking at my ass when I look back... Hahahah! :))) Any idea about this ot any suggestions?! :)) BTW, nice blog though! ;)


um, I don’t know what you’re asking exactly? but I get the idea.

Maybe he’s checking you out and making a move on you? and if he’s straight, then I think he’s not as straight as you believe. What you want to do next is entirely up to you, but if you want to take things to the next level…

Next time his crotch gets close to your ass try leaning back so they both touch and rub very little, make your intentions clear, then if he doesn’t resist or jolt back then turn round, look him the eye and and kissing. It worked for me ;)

If he’s exploring his sexuality then you’ll have to make the first move, but it all depends on the guy really. If it’s too fast for him don’t force him but it not try not to break body contact the first time things get heated. Show him you know what your doing, good luck ;)!

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
can you please add more pripaus story beacuse i like that story


the 3rd installment hasn’t been released yet, but don’t worry when it does I’ll be sure to post it. It’s one of my favs

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
Thank you for your amazing blog! You have the best yaoi around!


thank you :)

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
Where are you from?


the UK

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Anonymous :
can we see a selfie of you?


maybe in the future

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


I’m free tonight guys, ask some questions if you like :)

De yummy-yaoi - Post original

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